Can't Install Power BI Connector

Hello I’ve tried this tutorial: Installing Power BI Connector (
Unfortunately, the file path: Documents > Power BI Desktop > Custom Connectors doesn’t work for me. Power BI doesn’t give any notification, that something has been installed. Did the path change? I also changed the security tab, like mentioned in the tutorial. Please help! Thank you. I need Power BI especially for connecting 3D and Excel.

Hey, @LSLS, let’s try to get you started.

  • Are you using the Desktop edition of PowerBI?
  • Did you create this path yourself in File Explorer? It hasn’t changed, but PowerBI doesn’t always create it automatically.
  • After installing the Connector in that folder, You may need to restart the application.
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Power BI doesn’t give any notifications. That’s expected.

Have you updated your Power BI version? Some users reported that updating Power BI resolved connector issues.


Hello now it’s installed but it won’t show the 3d modell. I’ve connected via link like in the tutorial…

Hey @LSLS ,

Does the following solution work for you?

thank you!! that’s it