Bulk managing of collaborators (Owners/Contributors/Reviewers) to multiple streams at once?

Just getting started on a real project using speckle!

We have 6 streams at the moment, and it will increase as we go. I see that I have to go into each stream and add collaborators (Owners/Contributors/Reviewers) to each stream one by one. Is there a way to add people in bulk to multiple streams at once?

Right now I have to add 5 people to each stream so they have access, and if new people join the team I might have to add even more. I just went in and manually added all the people, but I’m not 100% confident that I didn’t miss adding someone to a specific stream since there is no global view of who is on what stream and with what permissions.


Unfortunately, we don’t have such a feature yet! In the future it will be implemented as organizations/teams/projects and you’ll be able to set permissions at that level as well.


Would this be possible via the Speckle SDK?

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Great Question @Joelmick. As a stream owner, you can invite new users to a server, add users to a project stream and change their responsibility.

This is possible with the GraphQL API and, per your question, is also possible via the SDKs with wrappers to those functions.

e.g. specklepy change user role for a stream

e.g. speckle-sharp

Note about “bulk”

The ability to perform these actions in bulk is reserved for Server Admins, but this can be looped and performed one at a time in code. The rate limits are fairly generous unless you discuss multiple hundreds of actions. You’ll receive a 429 if you hit it. Each interaction (if you are interacting with REST + GraphQL) also will include how much rate limit has been expended in the payload.


Nice, i’ll tinker with this! :slight_smile:

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to update stream permissions or bulk invite from GH custom node