Bug report: GH export--> Revit of sloped floors --> angle is not 1:1 the same


Was trying to export a sloped floor from Rhino to Revit.
I noticed a misallignment of the slope in of the Floor in Revit compared to Grasshopper.

Floor direction is in y=4m, z=2m → angle of floor: tan-1(2/4) = 26.565degrees
(Speckle input is in radians = 0.4636rad)
See printscreen below.
2024-12-14 Speckle Floor with slope inconsistant angle.gh (9.1 KB)

However after importing in Revit, the Element has an ‘slope’ of 24,87degree (should be 26.565).

Think there is something not going well with the conversion between Radians (in GH) to degrees (in Revit).

Many thanks!

As that slope looks like a manual and not a calculated field, are the overall geometric dimensions correct/ the same? e.g. Length and rise?

Hi Thanks for your quick responese :slight_smile:

Not fully sure if I understand you correctly but wil give it a try:
To show the misallighment abit better, I have added a wall element, of which the endpoint should be exactly the same as the floor end point:

  1. Grasshopper:
    In GH the slope/angle of the geometry is calculated (correctly=26,565 degrees of 0.4636rad), and inputted into th Speckle component.

  2. Export to speckle

  3. Import in Revit:
    After importing the floor is generated, with a wrong angle 24,87 (I have no clue how it comes to this value).
    As a result the ΔZ-coordinate is incorrect.

When I ‘manually’ change the angle of the revet element to 26.565, the element changes and it is in the correct place.

Does this help answering the question?

That was exactly my question :raising_hand_man:.

We’ll check this out. What’s that parameter readout in speckle web app?

In the speckle web app it looks visually ok.

Or what do you mean by ‘parameter readout’?

ps, why is it that the floor in the web app is translucent (while the wall is fully ‘collored’?

Looks like this is a wider exploration needed. Can you share that minimal example with us as the Speckle URL?

Yes, I have sent a personal message.

Perfect - the data coming from GH into Speckle is all good - I don’t have an install of Revit on my current machine, so will confirm my assumption that the fault is with Revit/RevitConnector as soon as I can get to another.

Ok, thanks.
It looks like a generic problem when export/importing sloped floors.
No matter how the floor geometry looks like… When the floor has an angle, the angle in Revit is incorrect imported. (Meaning at this moment it is not possible to use sloped floors correctly)
Please keep me informed when a solution is available.

Many thanks :slight_smile:

This is what I’ve gotten too also.

All development is likely now with Next Gen so we’ll flag this bug for action there if it isn’t a quick win.

ok, thank again for your quick response.
Just for my understanding, what do you mean by ‘Next Gen’? :upside_down_face:

This is the work we are doing across all connectors almost starting from scratch.

You can read more here:

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Oh wow ok, looks promising!
Keep it up! :slight_smile:

Hi @jonathon,

Hope you had a good start of the year!
Just wondering if there is an update regarding the bug with sloped floors?

Many thanks!