Hello there,
I’m working with an IFC model in Blender, and I set a specific IFC class to the object and then assign different Property Sets.
This is an example based on a cube (IFCActuator Class) with two Custom_Psets and one Pset_Condition.
I want to export this model to a Speckle stream, and therefore import it into QGIS. The connectors work well and I can succesfully visualize my model in QGIS, even in a 3D map. However, when I open the attribute table I can visualize only the last Property Set that I added in Blender.
If I check the object in Speckle, It looks like some information get lost during the import.
Am I doing something wrong setting the properties (I’m not a BIM expert)? Or maybe there is an error in the Blender’s Speckle connector?
Thank you very much!