Blender elements can't send to Speckle

Hi! I am having trouble sending elements of blender to Speckle. It shows an error from python (see image) and i’m totally lost. help is greatly appreciated!

Hey @shaycorpus ,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

The error indicates invalid credentials. Have you installed any other connectors? Can you verify if you can send from a different connector (eg Rhino, Revit etc.) ? Is the issue specific to this model, or are you unable to send from any model in Blender?

I’m not really sure. I have Speckle open in Revit and sending element revit to speckle seems fine then speckle to blender. But with Blender to speckle, it shows that error even though it’s in the same project. Hopefully I can share the Blender file soon :face_holding_back_tears:

Please could you try removing your account via Manager, and re-adding it.
We are currently investigating an issue with account authentication, this could be what you’re seeing.

hi, @Jedd! This worked and I finally sent the Blender element to Speckle but I can’t receive it Speckle to Revit. This must be the issue with the connectors? Should I try to relog it in again or refresh the Revit perhaps?

You may be able to get away with refreshing accounts from the ⋮ menu from the Revit connector.
but if that doesn’t work, I’d recommend restarting Revit.

If that doesn’t work, please let me know.