Beta Testing Features

Want to be a tester!

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Sorry for the late reply, but I’ve just sent off an invite to our testing server. Let rip!

My building is on fire :O

I like the comments feature a lot! Although I’m not sure if emojis are representing Speckle and the added value properly, it feels a bit silly to me and might also do so for new users? Maybe I’m grumpy grandpa here… but just sharing my thoughts and interested to hear what others think.


I’d be happy to curate a list of decent & more meaningful emojis, to be honest :sweat_smile: those are just for fun, and seen as a conversation starter! Which ones would you see?

Hmmm, emoji support looks fun🤩. I loved the idea of starting a comment with an emoji, it becomes some sort of an icon for that comment. Quickly grouping comments by their emojis, interesting idea🤯


:poop: obviously

:boom: dangerously


I’m sure PMs will enjoy a lot using this emoji when conducting model reviews :wink:

Hmmm. Oh wait a second!


Happy Monday, @Testers!

A pre-release of v2.9 for the Connectors is out, our team is carrying out various tests already (and fixes), but would love to hear if you can spot anything we haven’t already.

The stable release is scheduled for next week :partying_face:

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Hey guys, can I get an invite to the test server? :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Invite sent to the email address you registered with!

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Hi, please add me to this, I want help this awesome platform :melting_face:


Hi, I would love to be a tester. :partying_face:

Hi @Zhuangkh, check your email (the one you used to register on the forum) - just sent you an invite there!

(@chuongmep - you’re already in!)


Thanks, already joined :sunglasses:

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Hello @Insiders - and anyone else here interested!

We have been doing some major refactoring of the code behind some of our conversion routines and have likewise been adding tons of new features and fixing several bugs. :bug:

Therefore we’d really appreciate it if you could install and report any bugs you might encounter in our 2.12 alpha release of the connectors.

NOTE: alpha releases might contain unstable code

How to install it?

It’s simple! Just open Manager and update your connectors to 2.12.alpha :rocket:.
Keep us posted, you know we :heart: feedback!


A full changelog of this release and stable versions will follow in the next weeks.


I’m interested in taking part in this too!

Hey @n.klatte welcome here! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: if you’d like :slight_smile:

I’ll send an invitation to our test server to your email.

If you are still looking for testers and feedback on the nonprod features, I’d be happy to help.


Hello @Insiders & anyone else interested,

Version 2.13 of our (.NET based) connectors has just been shipped as a Release Candidate :rocket:
Lots of effort went into this one, although mostly as behind-the-scenes improvements, you can see the full changelog here and we will provide a more human friendly one soon with the stable release.

As always, we would appreciate it immensely if you could give it a spin :dizzy: and report any bugs!
Here’s how to install early releases:
