I’m interested in creating an automation over a (whole) project with multiple models. It looks Automate was designed assuming it would work on one model at a time.
I know I can execute anything in the function but is there a plan for Speckle to accommodate working on multiple models?
The API is partly there to do just this @majidaldo , the automation context returns trigger models as an array for this reason.
It is not yet implemented fully in the UI to define the trigger sets. We haven’t yet implemented where the automation run data or results set should live.
But there are several utility cases that multi model triggers will fit so it’s in the plan.
…you mean what my application does or the mechanics of it? The mechanics: My application follows the Speckle ‘philosophy’ of being able to split up a design into ‘sub designs’ (by discipline). From there the application acts as sort of an integrator to be able to assess the design as a whole.