Archicad Connector Bugfix

Hello everyone,

I am new to the community, just discovered Speckle and I think it’s amazing! I would like to submit some feedbacks for bug fixes and implementations about the Archicad Connector:

  1. It’s not working on Apple M series chips, I’ve read you are working on that and can’t wait to use it natively!
  2. I am experimenting some issues with the Zone tool, basic properties such as level and category are not syncing correctly (the first one maps a null number type, the second one is not visible altogether). Moreover the Power BI 3D viewer is not showing zones, IDK if that’s related to the AC or the PBI connectors.
  3. In Archicad we can freely add properties to elements based on classes besides standard tool parameters. It would be nice to let the user sync them too, at the moment Speckle connector export only standard parameters.

Thank you guys, you are doing an amazing job! I am super excited about Speckle workflows, particularly the Power BI connection for allowing a true data-driven design process.


Welcome to our community, and thanks for the kind words @Mambro , feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: if you’d like!

Your suggestions are very valid; we’ve tracked them down and will let you know once we get there. The Archicad connector is in its early days but getting better with every release.

Except for doing Archicad>PowerBi, what other workflows were you looking to use Speckle for?

Ciao Matteo,

Grazie mille del feedback e complimenti ancora per il vostro magnifico lavoro!

I am going to introduce myself publicly as suggested. Here and shortly, I am a BIM & Innovation Manager based in Verona with a passionate background in CGI and scripting (primarily JS and GDL). I am particularly interested in coordination workflows meant both for validating design phase and construction.

Did you consider the idea of connecting speckle with BIM coordination software such as Solibri or BIMcollab? I like the idea of commenting model (super nice the floating comment in 3D space btw), maybe this tool could be BCF referenced in future implementations.

I would love to contribuite to this amazing project therefore I will surely give new feedbacks to support development in the next months, primarily from the Archicad pov.

Grazie e a presto!



If we supported BCF with our commenting, where do you think you would be consuming them, in Solibri or in Speckle? Import Solibri BCF topics into Speckle is also an option for consideration,

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Hi Jonathon, thanks for your reply. I am not sure it would be consumed in Solibri, Speckle strength is being a super light cloud based tool you could also use on mobile devices. Generating and reading live-synced BCF comments anywhere you want should make Speckle the ideal platform for that. Btw that was just my first impression, I am new to Speckle!



Everyone has a valid point to make. We hear various points of view and we’re always scoping to find consensus if and when it exists.


Hey @Mambro ,

Better late than never. Archicad connector is out of alpha :tada: and:

  • We released universal installer for Mac so you can use it in your M series Macs (in fact, I’m using it with no issues)
  • I believe we have made significant improvements in how we send Zones. Please take a look again and let me know if you are still experiencing those issues.
  • And finally, we added support for both classifications and properties.

I hope these are good enough for you to give it another try. Let us know if you have any other features you think is missing.

Hello Gokermu,

Thank you very much for your amazing work! I am thrilled to test the new connector, I will report my experience about that in the next weeks.



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2 posts were split to a new topic: Archicad 27 Installation Problem on M1 Mac