3D Terrain from QGIS

Nice! is there any doc/video explaining the process of getting such coloured mesh from QGIS?

Tutorial is coming! Meanwhile, here are some notes: QGIS | Speckle Docs


Thanks! I’ll give it a try as soon as I get the time to


@Kateryna finally got the time to try it.
I’m trying to select the satellite layer as texture (streams from google satellite btw) but I’m unable to select it from the list. Not sure what’s going wrong…

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ok got it, I had to export a tiff from the google satellite stream, and now I can select it.

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Ok, now I’m trying to send the thing.
When pressing send, the plug-in is greyed out. I’ve been waiting for a few minutes and nothing happens. I’ve attached the mesh I’m trying to send. For now I’m just trying to get it as a 3D mesh without texture.
RGEALTI_FXX_0607_6876_MNT_LAMB93_IGN69.asc (5.7 MB)

Well… I just had to be patient. Worked well, awesome!
A progress bar would be a nice add-on to let the user know everything is fine :slight_smile:

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Finally, I’ve made a last test with the texture (“Set Raster as a Texture for the Elevation Layer”)
Unfortunately, the result is still “black and white”, see the same stream posted above.
Am I missing something? see the screenshot below…
Is there a size limit for the raster? My Tiff is 234MB

Hi Paul! Just make sure that you are sending the actual texture layer, not the elevation one (I can see that the elevation layer is selected in the Layers panel)


Hi Kateryna, oh I see, right! I’m currently redoing a test where both are selected. Is that fine, or should ONLY the texture layer be selected? I’ve been already waiting 10minutes for the thing to be sent so I’m wondering if I should really break it or not :sweat_smile:

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Only the texture will be enough🙃 this type of transformation might take a while especially if you have a high resolution of your rasters. You might save some time though, if you save both layers (texture and elevation) in the same CRS, so when the texture is being projected, it wouldn’t need to reproject every single point.
Let a lot of patience come your way :pray: :grin:

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Finally, I got it to work!
I’ve received it in Rhino. it seems the mesh color is only displayed in Raytraced mode. Did you manage to render it in Rhino Render mode as well?

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Ok, after some tweaks, got it to render properly.

Seriously, this is so great. Thank you so much for developing this. Having a georeferenced 3D terrain WITH the right texture dropping properly in Rhino, just with a few clicks, it’s just :exploding_head:


@Kateryna small bug report:
When merging two tiles and sending them as elevation mesh, I get this error
The empty stream: Speckle

I see! Could you pls open the Log Messages Panel, try to send again and take a screenshot of a more detailed error report from there

It’s weird, I haven’t been able to recreate the issue. Now it’s working… :thinking:
Next time I’ll make sure to send the log message


the best kind of issues :wink:


I followed the tutorial video. Upon sending, I get an error message:

Elevation layer is not found. Texture transformation for layer ‘01_satellite’ will not be applied.

The Speckle stream has no commits.
What did I do wrong?

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In addition to the tutorial video we have added the Transformations to our documentation: QGIS : Transformations

In particular, please check that the correct elevation layer has been actually been set and applied to the raster data you want to transform - during testing I noticed I would sometimes skip the step to set this properly.

If you think you have followed all the Guide steps correctly, paste screenshots and we’ll see what more we can do to help.

Even if it works second time around let us know any UI improvements you think would help.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Creating a terrain from Google Satellite is hanging/very slow