2.16 rc3 - seeing errors when receiving some stream URLs in GH

-Objective: Receiving streams links with no commit info in grasshopper post 2.16 rc3

  • Issue: Intended functionality would be to grab the latest commit from the provided stream url. Have encountered some errors with Even tho the stream is lightweight. ( just 8 archicad zones with no other geometry) several errors pop up when tryin to receive them with the different GH components. The error reads differently depending on the component / mode used:

Synchronous Receiver: 1. Solution exception:One or more errors occurred.

Async Receiver:

  1. A deserialization error has occurred: Cannot deserialize System.Double to System.Int32: A deserialization error has occurred
    Cannot deserialize System.Double to System.Int32

Async Receiver set to AutoReceive:

  1. Solution exception:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index

Additional Info:
Specifying the commit in the URL will not produce any errors and will receive just fine. But then I am not able to autoreceive since that functionality is disabled for that url format. Stream receives in Rhino with no issues.

Good descriptions, but anything more you can share is always helpful for us to help you.

Tried replicating this on xyz since the problem streams are on our own server and couldnt do it. Worth mentioning that only 2 streams out of 12+ i tested had this encountered this issue. I’ll post here if i am able to replicate on xyz at any point.