-Objective: Receiving streams links with no commit info in grasshopper post 2.16 rc3
- Issue: Intended functionality would be to grab the latest commit from the provided stream url. Have encountered some errors with Even tho the stream is lightweight. ( just 8 archicad zones with no other geometry) several errors pop up when tryin to receive them with the different GH components. The error reads differently depending on the component / mode used:
Synchronous Receiver: 1. Solution exception:One or more errors occurred.
Async Receiver:
- A deserialization error has occurred: Cannot deserialize System.Double to System.Int32: A deserialization error has occurred
Cannot deserialize System.Double to System.Int32
Async Receiver set to AutoReceive:
- Solution exception:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
Additional Info:
Specifying the commit in the URL will not produce any errors and will receive just fine. But then I am not able to autoreceive since that functionality is disabled for that url format. Stream receives in Rhino with no issues.