Workspace - Guest Permissions

Hello, I am currently testing the new Workspace Beta. I would like to clarify the difference between a Guest and a User. I don’t understand the purpose of the guest if they are invited directly into a workspace (and not into a project).

Is there a way to grant all Guests access, or do we need to invite them to each project individually? Here is a Guest view I invited to our workspace. He can’t see any of our projects.

Additionally, could you please specify the difference between a (guest with read-write access) and a (user) ?

If we are a team of 10, will we absolutely need to have 10 licenses at £49/month, which would be £5,880 per year, or can we bypass this by using guests? It will be more expensive to use Speckle than the Autodesk Construction Cloud platform with these rates.

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Hey @Gab I love that you jumped on this and thanks for the good questions and feedback! :starstruck_spockle:

Guests vs members: workspace members (if the ui says user that probably needs fixing) are usually part of your team/company and by default get read and write access to all projects in a workspace. Guests are instead external collaborators that can be added just to the projects they need access to. To better experience this, try creating a project and adding guests there. This is part of the additional security and control that Workspaces introduce.

A read-write guest will have the same permissions on a project as a member, but they won’t be able to create new projects in the workspace and will likely be excluded from SSO (coming soon) and other workspace-wide settings.

Price: we’re currently including 10 guests for free in each workspace and they’re priced at a lower rate than members, so absolutely that’s an option if they don’t need all privileges of a member.

Now on the rates, I have a couple of questions for you and feel free to reply in private if you prefer:

  • would you be interested in a cheaper option for members that doesn’t include SSO?
  • what’s the cost of ACC for you? Our research revealed about €1200/user/year
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Excellent, thank you @teocomi, that answers my questions very well about Guests vs Members.

We’re going to start small anyway. It’s going to take some time to change habits and introduce Speckle into our workflow in a more official way. For now, it’s more than sufficient!

I’m just thinking long-term—if we move forward and provide training and licenses to all the BIM tech. it would be a considerable investment. We’ll go step by step; I’ll take the time to try it out more.

As for pricing, ACC is practically ‘free’ for the technicians since we are required to purchase the AEC package for Revit and similar software. For engineers who don’t have the AEC package, we pay about 50% of the price you mentioned per user.

So far, I really like the workspace though and this is what we needed. Good job.
We’ll talk about it again soon! Thanks.


Thanks so much Gab,

It’s the first time we launch a paid product on the market and your feedback is super helpful.
We’re happy to work with you to make the transition and adoption of Speckle, smooth and sustainable long term.

Please keep the feedback coming!


According to our knowledge it is only included as Docs license means for just uploading files. The cloud collaboration where you sync the Revit models beyond just model sharing in the web costs extra as BIMcollaborate Pro with 1226 EUR. The regular user license around 911 EUR

I don’t want to push the discussion of Autodesk prices too far here. It was not really my goal. But what you say is true.

It’s case by case though. There are official Autodesk resellers with slightly different prices/packages. I only work in France and Canada and what I see is that each company has different licenses depending on the country.

I dont think any big buisness would pay the full Price show on autodesk website. Its overpriced.

We use ACC, Solibri, Revizto, Bimtrack, bim collab and now we want to add Speckle! I beleive its all about how is the market they fix different prices. Lots of competition recently.

We can contact each other if you want to go further on this subject :slight_smile: