Is there a minimum version of the Speckle server that needs to be used to run the beta connector?
I’m testing out the Civil 3D connector, which works fine with, but on our own internally hosted speckle server, it gives me a 400 error
I think you’re quite behind possibly - which server version are y’all currently running on? To clarify: we’ve been operating under an “evergreen” assumption for next gen (ie, on the server we roll out to production on every successful push to main, and we assume a reasonably up to date version of the server).
i do believe a release from at least ~1mo ago should be valid. it looks like your server is the pre-workspace era from the response.
I shall go back to our IT team to find out. But if it as simple as updating our speckle server version, then fingers crossed that should solve it for us
The update to our server works, and we can now atl east see all our models and versions in the connector!
However, we are hitting some issues when pushing larger sized objects. I believe this is going to be an error with our server setups, rather than anything related to the speckle server software, so Speckle are unlikely to be able to help us directly. (The same objects push to the server without problems, so it must be our server that is the issue)
I can see that somewhere in the Speckle.Sdk a Http request is being made and a 400 bad request response is being returned. Problem is, I cant seem to debug the SDK part of the code, I can only debug the connectors part.
I have the “local.sln” solution file open in Visual Studio and i can launch and debug the connector without any issues. I simply set the startup item at the top to Speckle.Connectors.Civil3d2024 and click the start button, and it all works.
In the past we needed to modify the model size limit for a custom server so we could be barbarians and dump as much data into our internal server. This was a while ago so I’m not sure if this is even relevant now.
Could you recall roughly where that setting was?
I don’t have access to our speckle server, so I would have to try and guide some other people towards where this setting might be.
It should be a parameter that can be set in the .env file in your local server, something like MAX_OBJECT_SIZE_MB . But I would ping one of the server lords, my skills in backend stuff is comparable to blank sheet of paper
Having the latest dev branch checked out both is usually the correct pairin.
Our SDK is setup for sending batches of 25MiB, and most of our servers have a limit of 100MiB
You can check via by by running this query on the /graphql sandbox.
When i try to go to where it is, instead of taking me to the code, its decompiling the Speckle.Sdk.dll file in my nuget packages folder instead, so all I’m seeing is the method signature, and I cant debug within it
I really want to debug all the way down to the line of code that actually makes the http requesto the speckle server. I want to see the content of the message to work out its size, and more details about the bad request status that is being returned