Why receiving and sending model don't work on sap2000

Hi, I’m trying to do a structural analysis of my model. I’m using Revit 22 for my modeling and SAP2000 V24 for structural analysis.

After I sent my model from Revit and tried to receive it in sap2000, it said “receive completed” but no model/element was shown and created in sap2000.

I created another model just for testing in sap2000 and sent it to Speckle to try receiving in Revit, but on the web manager app it seems the model didn’t get sent (it’s just blank no model at all)

and when I try to receive it in Revit, no model/element is created in Revit.

is there any solution to this problem?

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Hey @mardw28! Welcome to the community! :tada:

I’ll do the same with a test model on my end and keep you updated. In the meantime, would you mind:

  • Sharing a link to the commit in Speckle for the test model; and
  • Providing the SAP and/or Revit test models in the folder I just shared with you (you should have recevied an e-mail from me for that :slight_smile: )



Sorry for the late reply, as I have a lot to do :sleepy:

Here’s the speckle link:

For the sap file, I have uploaded it to your folder

Thank you!

No worries @mardw28! :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting the issue on the forum! @connor has worked his magic in getting a solution :cool_spockle: I will let you know once the fix is downloadable in Manager! :raised_hands:

The structure being well-received in SAP:

Hey @mardw28,
The latest 2.20.0-wip6 release for SAP 2000 should be working.
You can update to this version via Speckle Manager:

  • Options → Available versions
  • Show pre-releases
  • Install 2.20.0-wip6

Keep an eye out for the stable release version which should also be dropping soon. But for the meantime, this will work!

Happy speckling and shout if there’s anything else :raised_hands:

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