Weird cut graphics artifacts when zooming in on models

Hi community,

I’m currently experiencing some very irritating artifacts when zooming in on our company’s speckle models:

This is happening in multiple models, all of which stem from Revit 2024.2 with Speckle connector v 2.20.6 for Revit.
Can someone from speckle comment on whether this is expected behaviour and if not, what could be the issue?

Hi Henrick,

Any chance you could share a sample mode with us for further investigation?
You can DM me the link or invite alex [at] speckle [dot] systems.

You could also try loading them from a different browser/pc to see if it’s something related to your software/hardware.

cc @alex

For me that looks like a Camera near clipping plane issue. Which may happen because of a model that may be too small for default clipping because being out of scale, or “too small” because of some lost elements far away.


Hi @hwollersheim

The issue should now be fixed on both and Like @zoomer suggested, it was a near clipping plane related issue



@alex Alex, I just checked both affected models and this seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you so much for the super fast reaction :rocket: