Weekly Changelog: Another small change with a large impact!

We’re improving Speckle for you non-stop!

Here’s what you’ll notice has changed:
:white_check_mark: You can now see the model name at the start of the page title! This makes navigation easier when multiple tabs are open. A small change with a large impact on the Speckle viewer experience.
:white_check_mark: We updated Speckle’s internal email handling last week, which caused some users to have trouble logging in with SSO. Ugh! We’ve fixed that for you right away and added improvements to prevent it from happening again!
:white_check_mark: Enjoy an improved error page and faster assistance with troubleshooting! The error message is no longer the only thing you can share with us in the Community forum when you encounter an error!
:point_right: Now, you’ll get error reference messages on our error pages to help us look closely at what happened and help you out ASAP.
:point_right: These references can be clicked on (to copy them) or just screenshotted and then shared with us, which will help us find the specific operations that failed and help us resolve your issue.

Haven’t Speckled for a while? Try it out!

Which updates and news are you hoping to see in the coming Speckle Changelogs? We’re all :ear:t2::ear:t2:!

P.S. Kudos to @Andrew_Wallace for making our lives easier by improving the naming system in Speckle’s tabs!

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Started from the “Viewer -” now we here :cool_spockle: