Visual loss of object selection in PowerBI


I’m having a problem when I select model items from a table in Power BI. I visualize the elements in the speckle window and their particular information in the table. If, on this highlighted selection, I select only one element in the speckle window, I display its information in the table for a moment, but suddenly I lose the preview of the selected elements and visualize the complete model. Does anyone know what may be happening?

Hey @Maite_Aguirre_Valles ,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

This seems weird. Do you have tooltip info set in the 3D Visual? If it is set and you are still experiencing this issue, can you please share the Power BI file with us?

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Problem solved. There was something wrong set up in powerbi.