URGENT - Power BI Visual stopped working since 2.20 update

Hi there, the team and I just updated our Power BI connector to 2.20 via Speckle Manager and we’ve immediately noticed that the 3D visual in Power BI is no longer rendering anything as per snippet below (everything worked up until Friday last week before the update).

I gather from the changelog that the Manager now installs both the data connect and 3D visual for Power BI, but we’re wondering how that would work in Power BI desktop when the visual has been manually imported to date up to 2.19.0 (is there a 2.20.0 version somewhere)?

Your help would be greatly appreciated as we have an important presentation on our progress to date via the 3D on Monday and need the visual to be working.

Thanks in advance,

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Hey @EP.AJ

There was an issue on the server over his weekend where the objects API was partially unavailable - the issue has now been fixed, can you please try again?

Otherwise @gokermu should have further answers on how to get the visual to work!

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Hi Matteo, thanks so much for the reply. Can confirm that the issue is resolved and everything back to BAU.

Thanks again,

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