Units Bug in Measure Tool in Viewer

Loving Speckle so far! Just noticed a minor issue with the viewer when taking measurements. Measurement units don’t seem to consistently reflect the specified unit.

Objective: Measuring model from viewer in specified unit.
Issue: Measure tool units not updating or remaining consistent with selected unit.

Example: I select the measure tool, switch units to Inches, and create a measurement but it remains in meters. Then I try changing between a few units which seems to update the units sporadically. Once the existing measurements are in the correct units, I add another which works correctly however when I add more after this, they default back to meters.

Only way I can find to get all of the measurements to be the correct units is to add them all and then flip between units until they decide to update.

Link: main - Shiny Structure | Speckle


Hey @Domenic.G welcome to our community!
Thanks so much for reporting this bug, I’ve logged it internally and our team will pick it up.

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