I tried looking up if any domains were blocked or not, that doesn’t seem to be the issue.
I’m not connected to any vpn…
I recently installed Blender 4.3, proceeded to save a file.
Opened Speckle Connector, installed blender connector…
After enabling it from addons, whenever I try to refresh users… it gives me this error
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/pro/Library/Application Support/Blender/4.3/scripts/addons/bpy_speckle/operators/users.py", line 87, in execute
raise Exception(
Exception: Zero accounts were found, please add one through Speckle Manager or a local account
hey! quick additions, since I had the same problem:
blender on mac os does not have the system console. starting using terminal does not give additional messages in this case.
I had the same/similar issue in QGIS, so I tried to debug myself using specklepy, no accounts found.
Since I was using my own server, I created an account app.speckle.systems, added in manager, now showing two accounts but no change.
On further investigation looking at ~/.config/Speckle, both the Accounts folder and Accounts.db were empty. So no wonder specklepy does not find any accounts.
I manually created a json file as shown here. This now shows up everywhere.
How/where does the manager save the account information on macOS currently? It is perfectly retained. Version 2.15.1 on macOS 15.3.1.