Trouble exporting from Rhino to Sketchup

Hi everyone,

I’m having some trouble connecting speckle Rhino to Speckle Sketchup. I have no problem exporting directly from Rhino to Sketchup (but that’s not the point here…), see the following image.

As soon as I try doing the export with Speckle, I’m having strange holes in my surfaces that are’nt in my Rhino file.

I work with Brep and Polysurface.
Does anyone had this issue before ?

Thanks in advance for the help

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Hey @Theox ,

Great to see you again. We have done some heavy development on the Sketchup side lately. It is possible we broke some workflows. Are you using 2.11?

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Still the 2.10, should I upgrade with the new version ?
Sorry I wasn’t sure If I should have tried Updating…

I’ve tried installing the new version (2.11.0-rc11), and it doesn’t change anything, still got the strange rectangular holes in my SKETCHUP file.

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Ok, then this is a bug. Can you share the file that contains the problematic geometry? You can send a DM if you want.

@gokermu I’m having a huge terrible with Rhino to sketch-up also especially when working with curved shapes

Hey @Hussein_Hamed can you share the Rhino file with me and @oguzhankoral ?

What version of the connectors are you using?

here you are @teocomi @oguzhankoral

For specke- Test.3dm (414.0 KB)

Hi @Hussein_Hamed,

This is a edge case we aware of and planning to fix it with next release. I will let you know when it is fixed! Thanks for issueing it and sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey @Hussein_Hamed,

Good news! This issue is fixed. Thank you to pushing us to fix this issue and providing your case to test. See below image with your model as you wish!

2.13.2 available on manager with the fixed version.

Hope this helps.


Great :heart_eyes:
Thanks for your effort
I only have one obsevation this conversion, The edges of the models is blurred and it seems that there’s a fillet in all corner, I love fillets but in some cases I don’t need it like in this case

I also hope to change the material per face in sketchup eg, the interior face would be Wood, and the exterior would be Steel

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Hi @Hussein_Hamed,

Since you send your model from Rhino to SketchUp as a single polysurface, it arrives to SketchUp as single mesh, so it is quite hard to distinguish faces as you said. What I can suggest is to split your faces that you want to assign different materials in Rhino into different polysurfaces before send to SketchUp. This should be quick win for you.

Hope this helps.

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