I have a few models where the preview generation ran into an error and now it shows a red cube in the preview, see below.

There are also models in my projects where there was no error but the preview was never generated, therefore it shows a blue cube, see below.

I believe if I push a new version of these models, it would trigger the preview service and possibly it would be generated again, but opening and pushing 100+ models is not so ideal.
Is there any way that the preview service can be triggered?
Hi @Adam_Mezovari, the preview service is notoriously (at least internally) finnicky and slow. It needs a GPU, and it’s actually running on a shared cpu pod somewhere.
@gergo has a “hobby project” to get it out of this unloved state, and we hope to have it out by end of Q1 next year.
That’s a long preamble to say: unfortunately there’s no way to trigger a new preview. Sending a new version will trigger a new job, but that’s not much to go by…
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I see, thanks for the reply. Hope to see it soon!
Hajrá @gergo!