Transferring from blender to revit. Families

Hi! Please tell me a lesson on how to transfer from blender to revit so that objects are transformed into families. Thanks! I tried, but it didn’t work out. I can’t understand why it doesn’t work.

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Hey @hanter282 ,

Have you tried steps described in this video:

Unfortunately, I do not create families. Could it be because I have Revit 2024?

When I received from Blender to Revit, families are not created. Objects are created as generic models, but not as families. the import process does not create families. What i’m doing wrong?

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Hey @crist ,

Collections from Blender are received as families in Revit. Can you put it under a collection and try again?

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Hi! First of all, I want to thank all the developers for Spekle! Thanks!=) But unfortunately I don’t create families either. I’m putting an object in a collection. Maybe I’m calling it wrong? And are there any restrictions on the language?
I have been writing about this problem for a long time , but I have not defeated it =(

Please could you share with us a speckle model that you’re expecting to receive as Revit families?


Yes, here is the file Viewer - Blender test - Speckle

Thanks @hanter282

Hopefully I can provide an explanation of what Speckle can currently do, and what it cant.

Currently, we do NOT expect regular Blender Collections to receive as Revit families.

However, we DO expect Blender Collection Instances to received as Revit families.

You can instance a collection into your scene like so:
Blender Instance collections

The reason we have chosen this is because Revit families are often defined with a position and rotation, and can have multiple instances of the same family within a model.

In Blender, Collection Instances are a close match, because they can be transformed (e.g. translated, and rotated) independent from the defining geometrical objects, and instanced multiple times (and nested).

The distinction we make for Blender Collections vs Collection Instances is a similar distinction in we make in Rhino/Autocad (Layers vs Blocks) and Sketchup (Layers vs Components), etc…

We are taking feedback on ways we can improve our Revit receive workflows, so I’d be curious if this solution works for you, or if you have other suggestions for how Blender geometry should be received in Revit.


Thanks - it works! I have never used this type of collection in my work, so when watching the lesson, it was not noticeable that these were unusual collections. I have a structure in my scene based on regular collections. Now, in order to transfer this to Revit, you need to turn each object into an Instance. I would like it to be possible to set dimensions when transferring to Revit. So that Revit understands objects.

This is very useful information. Though I don’t recall it being mentioned in the tutorial videos. Perhaps that’s just me overlooking things