Track machine movements in a 3D model

Hello community,
I have a model of a building under construction georeferenced in Revit. During the work, machines geolocated by GPS are moving around the site. I’d like to know if it’s possible to use speckle to see the machines moving in the 3D model? Would it be possible to link speckle to an Excel file in which the gps coordinates of the machines are varied and the speckle api moves the machines in the model?
I’d like to ask the community if such a development is possible with speckle?

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The idea is cool and sounds possible.

Speckle: For data interoperability.
Python/Excel: For handling and processing GPS data.
Revit API/Dynamo: For interacting with the Revit model.

Create an Excel file where the GPS coordinates of the machines are logged. The structure of the file should have columns for machine IDs, latitude, longitude, and possibly timestamps if you want to track movement over time.

Write a Python script to convert GPS coordinates to Revit’s coordinate system and push the data to a Speckle stream.

Use the Speckle API and a Revit plugin or Dynamo script to pull the data from Speckle and update the machine positions in the Revit model.

What do you think ?

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Hi @Gab and thanks for your answer.
I can see how to use Dynamo to move ElementIDs based on new coordinates from an Excel file. However, I don’t want to use Revit to upload the new model to Speckle.
I’d like to use Speckle’s API to move the objects in the Speckle model directly without going through Revit. Do you think this is possible?

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Hi @pierrenavarra

You can use the viewer API to dynamically move objects as per the documentation here. We also have an example where we move objects around.

Let me know if you need more help with this



Could be a cool idea for our hackathon!

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Hi @alex
Thx for answering me.
Ok, sounds possible…
One last question: what starter link would you recommend? where do I start?

Hi @pierrenavarra

You’re most welcome!

If you’re referring to documentation that helps you get started with the viewer library, I would suggest the official documentation which explains most of the core concepts, as well as having a complete API reference as well as a bunch of examples which you can use as a starting point.

Here’s my code sandbox profile where you’ll find additional sandboxes with various examples.


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@alex , sounds very very cool!
Thx for sharing.
When I see you exemple called Manipulating Objects, I can imagine that I can code a functionality to read an Excel file on line wich contains my coordinates of my element and move them…
I’ll give a feedback to the community in this post