Suggestions on how to use viewer API in python for integration of elements with schedules

Hello speckle team,

Sorry, It may seem like I am looking for a quick fix, but I just need advice and directions as to how to go about my project. I am looking to access speckletypes or grouped objects types (in my case revit elements) based on their orientation or position in terms of level or elevation so that i can match with corresponding element or category time ratio (from planned schedules).

I am looking to work in Python. Can I access the viewer API and filter extensions using Specklepy? if not yes, I will be glad to receive any advice and/or early directions as to how I can pull this off.

In the long run. I hope to build a time user-interface which will be linked to all speckle types in a model.

I will love as much suggestions. Thanks

Hi @Michael_Awe

I’m probably not the best person to answer this, but the viewer library is javascript library targeted towards web applications. I think you can use something like PyScript which allows you to write python in the web, but I’m not sure ho much it allows you to interface with javascript libraries

Maybe you can use our python SKD?


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