Streaming IFC to blender

Hello community,
I am testing to bring an IFC file to blender.
I have created a stream and in the stream I uploaded the IFC file, in the speckle stream the geometry is visible, but when I receive the data in blender no objects are being shown.
Any suggestions are welcome :slight_smile:

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Hi @Vic, we’ll have to look into it! In the meantime, you can probably have a much better ifc import experience using blender bim :slight_smile:

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Hello @dimitrie
Thanks if any updates let me know.
I’ve actually tried with blenderBIM, but some geometry comes with errors.
So I was looking into the alternatives :wink:

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Gotchu! We are using the web-ifc parser, which - if you say things look legit in the Speckle viewer - means that those geometry errors won’t be there.

We’re deep in a new release testing week, but I’ll poke @Jedd to see if he can have a look into what’s going on. I suspect there’s some confusion re the traversal of the commit object :slight_smile:

What would really help is if you can share with us the specific commit (or another that we can reproduce the problem easily), so we can now we’re debugging with the right data.

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Cool, thanks.
Yes, I find it strange I can visualize in the speckle viewer but in blender it’s creating collections, but not any type of geometry, this I only experienced with IFC
I’ve invited you and @Jedd if you want to have a look :wink: