🆕 SpeckleCon 2024 - Location Survey!

What’s up @Community, I have great news for you :new: :new: :new: :

Spoiler: Your favourite AEC conference is coming back! :partying_spockle:

After the great success of Connect! in 2021 and SpeckleCon in 2023, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be hosting another event packed with product announcements, workshops and presentations soon.

For the 2024 edition, we’re planning to take things even further and have an actual physical venue where we can all network and meet IRL; we’ll also be streaming everything for those who cannot join in person.

And here’s where I need your help!

To which of the following locations would you be happy to travel for SpeckleCon 2024?

  • London :uk:
  • Copenhagen :denmark:
  • The Netherlands :netherlands:
  • Berlin :de:
  • None, I don’t like people :person_gesturing_no:

0 voters

You’ll probably also be wondering when? And the answer is mid-November, over 1 or 2 days such as the 13-14-15 November.

If you or your company have a space that is fit for hosting SpeckleCon '24, or a screening of it, let us know!


do it at B+G so I have an excuse to visit Germany and visit their office lol


Happy too :sweat_smile:, but our conference rooms are not able to host the incredible SpeckleMadness size wise :disappointed_relieved:. Maybe at UDK Berlin or ENSAV in Versailles where our partners teach …

A blast from the past from Design Modelling Symposium 2017 in Versailles:

But I also would not be sad to visit the brilliant mates from UK, Denmark or Netherlands :heart_eyes:

@Tushar_Nagananda: when you are in Frankfurt by accident, feel free to come by :smile: