Speckle v2.0 and SpeckleGSA

Hi - I’ve been using SpeckleGSA to handle model information between Grasshopper and GSA. I’m at a juncture in a live project where I need to decide whether we continue to use this workflow going forward.

I don’t see any mention of the GSA or the structural suite in the v2.0 documentation - is SpeckleGSA currently supported by v2.0? And if not, will it be supported in the future?


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Hi Andrew!

SpeckleGSA is a community contribution from Arup led by @daviddekoning , we really hope to see it making it into v2, I’ll let David provide an official answer to this.

Regarding a structural kit, we are planning to add one to v2, see our roadmap, but we don’t have an estimated timeline just yet.

Hi @AndrewBlackie - we’re going through the process of looking at 2.0 and deciding next steps right now, we’ll have news in the next month or so!

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