Hi there,
I’m following the instructions to install the Unity client: https://speckleworks.github.io/SpeckleUnity/articles/howToInstall.html/. I keep trying the scoped registry approach and it keeps failing. Thought I would ask an expert before proceeding to try the OpenUMP CLI approach.
I am on Unity 2020.1.4f1. When I add “scopedRegistries…” JArray to my manifest.json, I get no errors but Speckle doesn’t appear in my package manager (nor am I able to create the SpeckleUnityManager gameobject). When I proceed to add the “com.open.speckleunity”: “0.6.3-preview” to the dependencies section of the manifest.json I get the following error:
An error occurred while resolving packages:
- Project has invalid dependencies:*
- com.open.speckleunity: connect ETIMEDOUT*
A re-import of the project may be required to fix the issue or a manual modification of D:/CRTKL/CRTKL/GitHub/Agent-Navigation-Test/Packages/manifest.json file.
Help please
Thanks in advance for your time!