Speckle Server error - ECONNRESET (Apollo Client Error)

Hello team,

We have deployed the Speckle server locally on a Windows machine using Linux WSL. However, every 3-4 days, the server stops working and the error in the logs appears as shown. The server starts functioning again after we restart both the machine and the server. I’ve verified that this issue is not caused by memory or CPU usage.

logs.txt (2.2 KB)


Is there any solution to fix this? We want to run speckle server and send our models to the client.

Shivani Bhawsar

These logs appear to be from the frontend component of speckle-server; it is unable to connect to the server on port 3000.

What is the state of the server, is it running? Do the server logs show any error messages or additional information?


No, it stopped working. and these are the logs which I can see at the end. After that I dont see any logs generated since server stopped working.

[@speckle/frontend-2]: [0] INFO: / SSR rendered in 192 ms {"browser":false,"speckleServerVersion":"unknown","serverName":"local","frontendType":"frontend-2","route":"/","routeDefinition":"/","req":{"id":"013c674f-8b60-4b7c-a13a-f27f1e24a7fc","method":"GET","path":"/","headers":{"host":"api.ipify.org","user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","connection":"close","x-forwarded-for":"","x-forwarded-port":"44643","x-forwarded-proto":"http"}},"serverReqId":"013c674f-8b60-4b7c-a13a-f27f1e24a7fc","responseTime":192,"routeName":"index","routePath":"/"}
[@speckle/server]: [server] INFO: Executing scheduled function weeklyWebhookCleanup at Mon Jan 27 2025 04:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) {"taskName":"weeklyWebhookCleanup"}
[@speckle/server]: [server] INFO: Starting weekly webhooks cleanup {"component":"modules/activities"}
[@speckle/server]: [server] INFO: Finished cleanup {"component":"modules/activities"}
[@speckle/server]: [server] INFO: Finished scheduled function weeklyWebhookCleanup execution in 0.066 seconds {"taskName":"weeklyWebhookCleanup"}