Speckle Object Value by Key (SOVK) unpacks strings into lists with 1 letter per list element


In many workflows I receive a bunch of attributes as Speckle objects that I then convert to eleFront attributes (maybe I’ll convert to native attributes in Rhino 8?) like this:

Previously, I could use the Speckle Object Value by Key (SOVK) component to obtain the values stored in these Speckle objects that contain my attributes (Data Viewer 3. → Data Viewer 4. = normally 3 keys become 3 values), but now the SOVK component all of a sudden decomposes strings into lists of a single letter per list element (Data Viewer 1.).

Expected output of Data Viewer 1. is Data Viewer 2.

This example only has 3 key value pairs, so I can create a workaround, but this is very unhandy for workflows where I have e.g. 20+ key-value pairs.

Thanks a million in advance for the super support!

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Manually installed the 2.19.0 Rhino and Grasshopper plugins from Speckle Releases, and the issue is solved now.

With what version of the Rhino/GH connector did I have this issue? I don’t know.
@JdB, what Speckle connector version is Arup’s

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@JoostGevaert , I was about to try and reproduce your problem. You saved me some time :smiley:

No clue about Arup’s version.