Speckle Model Viewer

This is outdated info. Proper documentation will come in time.

Any stream that’s sent through speckle can be viewed online.

That’s quite simple. Just head over to https://app.speckle.works/viewer/ and click the red plus button in the corner.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://speckle.works/doc/onlineviewer/

Hi, I have some issues with ModelVeiwer. There is no Veiws, Versions and Multistream preview.


How can I fix it?

Hey Mykola! fixing is usually via a pull request with a lotta code. The viewer is outdated, though @mswaidan is working on updating it now.

I think he just merged his latest changes - so maybe if you do a git pull master in the viewer you might be better off! To add more streams, just add more stream ids to the url, separated by commas: https://s003.speckle.works/view/?ryuFyiHuz,rkf6JoHuf

and massive kudos for installing your own server and deploying stuff!

How to setup the model viewer running on a separate nodejs server on another machine than the speckle server:
A. use the ?serverUrl=http://YOURSERVER:3000 as a query for the running model viewer.
B. use a config file for the serverUrl as follows:

  • edit the speckleConfig.js and config.js and add the following line inside the var SpkAppConfig = {
    serverUrl: ‘http://YOURSERVER:3000’,

  • edit the main.js file and change the ‘if ( window.location.href.includes( ‘?’ ) ) {’ with:
    if ( window.location.href.includes( ‘?’ ) ) {
    let query = qp.toObject( window.location.href.split( ‘?’ )[ 1 ] )
    if ( query.server )
    Store.state.server = query.server + ‘/api/v1’
    if (window.SpkAppConfig.serverUrl != null)
    Store.state.server = window.SpkAppConfig.serverUrl + ‘/api/v1’
    Store.state.server = window.location.origin + ‘/api/v1’

    if( query.streams )
    Store.state.initStreams = query.streams.split(’,’)
    } else {
    if (window.SpkAppConfig.serverUrl != null)
    Store.state.server = window.SpkAppConfig.serverUrl + ‘/api/v1’
    Store.state.server = window.location.origin + ‘/api/v1’