Speckle Manager - Failed to create account from access code and challenge

We are facing an issue when trying to connect from speckle manager to our Speckle Server (2.18.5-alpha.81844). From the web application we are having no troubles.

We get the following error when trying to authorize the request from the speckle server.

On the manager logs we see the following error being displayed.

2024-03-27 14:06:23.510 +00:00 [INF] Execution of http request to
succeeded with “BadRequest” after 0.0909924 seconds and 0 retries
2024-03-27 14:06:23.607 +00:00 [FTL] Failed to add account: Failed to create account from access code and challenge
Speckle.Core.Credentials.SpeckleAccountManagerException: Failed to create account from access code and challenge
—> Speckle.Core.Logging.SpeckleException: Failed to get user + server info from
—> Speckle.Core.Api.SpeckleGraphQLException`1[Speckle.Core.Credentials.ActiveUserServerInfoResponse]: Query GetUserServerInfo failed
at Speckle.Core.Credentials.AccountManager.GetUserServerInfo(String token, Uri server, CancellationToken ct)
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Speckle.Core.Credentials.AccountManager.GetUserServerInfo(String token, Uri server, CancellationToken ct)
at Speckle.Core.Credentials.AccountManager.CreateAccount(String accessCode, String challenge, String server)
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Speckle.Core.Credentials.AccountManager.CreateAccount(String accessCode, String challenge, String server)
at Speckle.Core.Credentials.AccountManager.AddAccount(String server)

It would be great if you could help us with any directions to resolve the same.

What is this address? Maybe an env var that was not configured correctly?

Apologies for the delayed reply, the url was just masked with random values. On the logs we do have the correct domain name.

Thanks for the clarification. If you create the account online from the web interface, can it then be added to manager successfully?

Yes i did create the account from the web itself and was able to login also. After this when i try to connect via the manager is when i get the error

It seems that Manager might have issues communicating with the server, maybe there’s a VPN or firewall blocking the requests?

Things to look at: