Speckle error message when trying to sign in on PowerBI

Hi everyone, I came across an error message when I try to sign in speckle in PowerBI. Please help…

  • Objective: Sign in to speckle on PowerBI

  • Issue: I receive an error message when I click on ‘sign in’ in Power BI Desktop.

  • Example: Error says Value cannot be null. Parameter name: uriString

  • Speckle link: Any speckle link I use gives me this error.
    for example: Viewer - LEO's First Project - Speckle

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Hey there,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

Sorry to hear you are having issues receiving your data. This may happen due to

  • Are you trying to connect from a work computer or your personal device? If it’s a work computer, maybe try connecting from your personal device to see if that makes a difference.
  • Can you try changing networks? There may be some firewalls in place that prevents us from establishing a connection.
  • What version of Power BI are you currently using? If you’re not using the latest version, it’s worth updating to see if that resolves the issue.

If none of the above works, you can try authenticating with a Personal Token. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds! Here is a guide that will walk you through the process step by step: