Speckle docker compose deployment to Azure VM

Hello everyone,

I’m currently deploying Speckle using Docker Compose, following the official guide. I’m utilizing Redis and PostgreSQL services provided by Azure. When I run docker compose up, I notice that some of the services (preview-service, webhook-service, and file-import-service) get created, but they do not start, and the Speckle server shows as unhealthy.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

• Verified that the database tables are created in the PostgreSQL database, so it seems the connection between Speckle and the database is established.

• Checked the logs for errors, but I haven’t been able to pinpoint the issue.

Setup Details:

Redis and PostgreSQL are both provisioned through Azure.

• Using Docker Compose with the configuration directly from the official Speckle guide.

Has anyone encountered similar issues or could point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this further? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

exactly my problem for a few weeks now. I was not able time-wise to solve it. Our server has this issue since 1-2 updates ago. The server works, but the other backend processes not, similar to @mbd. What I wanted to do is to check the log of the server (after a fresh startup) with uncluttered and clean log

sudo docker container logs #idofcontainer
of the server container.

… patience for that currently not available :wink:

In our case, I changed some port configurations in the Azure Network Security Group and the password of the minio bucket. I had the feeling that I messed it up by myself. I assumed, that it is not a Speckle issue, but more a config issue, as minio is not reachable … not just in my case but also in yours. Our Speckle server has to remain in this state a bit as long it runs.

I guess for my case the issue was related to the healthcheck test script. After updating the test script to the latest, the containers started successfully.