Speckle 3D viewer on PowerBI showing different things with the same data

Hi everyone! I´ve been learning how to use the speckle 3D viewer on PowerBI and I´ve noticed that sometimes the model on display switches from the few elements I have in the used data (and that i actually want to see) to the hole model and some other times not showing anything. The data that came from revit is around 72000 lines but I´ve created a link to this data and then in this new link narrowed it down to only 6 lines. Why is the 3D viewer showing the 6 elements and then switching to show the hole model (or to nothing) without me changing anything?

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Hey @Beatriz_Jesus ,

Welcome to these parts! Did you filter out only 6 elements from your received data? What is the expected behaviour? If you can give as much context as possible, i’d be happy to help.

When i imported the data from revit, PowerBI created the data called Consulta1. After that i created a new table called EcoIlhas linked to Consulta1 so i could work with this data without loosing it for other possible needs. Inside EcoIlhas i narrowed down all the lines to only 6, that correspond to the 6 elements visible in the first picture. As you can see in the 3 pisctures, i have the same Model URL, Object ID and Version Object ID in all of them but Speckle 3d Viewer is showing diferent things and i can´t find a pattern to why is it changing. Along with that, when its showing only the 6 elements as its supposed i cant change the rest of the building from ghosted to hidden.

I see you have another table named “reports_ecoilhas”. This may bork the visual.

Can you check if there’s a relationship set between these two queries? This may bork the visual if there isn’t a relationship set, or even worse when it’s wrong. You can check it from here:

Both the column ecoislandId and Parameter.Marca[ALL_MODEL_MARK] have the names of ecoislands so i created a connection between them so i could use the data from reports_ecoilhas to color the model in the 3d viewer.

This are the options i used when creating the connection. Where it says “Ambos” it means “both”

I do have a connection between the two queries created by me but maybe i did something wrong.

Hey @Beatriz_Jesus ,

Can you share the pbix file with me? You can send a DM If you don’t want to share it publicly. I can not help you any further with the current info I have.

As a new user I´m not alloweed to attach files to the message so I´ll send the pbix file by email if there is no problem with that

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Sure, no problem.:+1::+1::+1:

Hey @Beatriz_Jesus ,

Thanks for sharing the file. It seems to work on my end. Here’s what i did:

  • I used 2.18 version for the 3D Visual. Latest version has some issues regarding filtering. Make sure you are using this version.

  • I connected the Tooltip Data input too. We’ve seen cases where interacting with other visuals was not working properly when this input is empty.

  • I set the Object Display to Hidden. This way, only filtered elements are shown and rest of the model is hidden.


It´s working now, thank you so much! I believe the problem was with the 3D viewer because I tried the other things using the 2.19 version and still didn´t work.

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