Speckle 2.18 Release Candidate is here đŸ„

Hello @Insiders ,

We’ve been working hard on the latest updates, and the Release Candidate for version 2.18 is now ready for community testing :partying_face:. If you’re not feeling particularly adventurous, just stick to the stable 2.17 version for now to avoid any interruptions to your ongoing projects. The official stable 2.18 release will be available later this month after the community testing phase.

Friendly Reminder
Depending on your setup, you may receive a warning when installing the connectors. But no worries, we are making some changes in how we release Speckle, which will disappear once we release the stable version.

How to test?

Installing the release candidate is easy.

  1. Open the Speckle Manager and find your favorite Connector.
  2. From the menu (3 dots), choose “Available versions”, and make sure that the “Show pre-releases” toggle is on.
  3. Install the 2.18.0-rc .

This is also a good opportunity to try our new web app. Go to app.speckle.systems to give it a try.

If you wish to revert back, click the install button for the 2.17 version in the “Available versions”.

How to give feedback?

Post your feedback in this thread, and we will take it from there.

The new RC is packed with features and improvements, so give it a whirl and let us know what you think.

So what’s included?


Archicad 27 Support

We are excited to announce that the Speckle Connector is now available for Archicad 27 on both Windows and macOS.

Mac Installer (Universal)

We’ve released a universal installer for the Archicad connector. Whether you’re using an Intel or Apple Silicon-based Mac, you can now install and use the Speckle connector with ease.

Various Enhancements

Added support for quantity properties. There is a new checkbox under Advanced Settings, when checked it included quantity properties in sent elements.

We also removed Command line output window on Windows.

Added a Progress meter indicates status of the send and receive operation.

During send operation reporting tab shows result of element conversion and Archicad “Incoming API call” palette flashing has been decreased due to reduced number of API calls to Archicad.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that was slowing receive times in Archicad 26.

Fixed a bug that was causing Archicad to crash when sending columns with “Subtract from Zone” option set.

Fixed a bug that was preventing receiving parametric elements in localized versions of Archicad.


Add Name property to all surfaces

TIN surfaces in Civil3D are now sent with their name property.

Add Alignment properties: Design Speed

Alignments sent from Civil3D now includes the design speeds property.


Send Text Tags

Now you can send text from Grasshopper using the custom scripting components.


Create New Family from Component

You can create Revit families from SketchUp components using “Create New Family” option available in Mapper.

Map Component to Existing Families

You can map components from SketchUp into existing families in Revit via Mapper.


New Reset Plugin Layout option added to make Speckle connector visible on single monitor setups. Resets connector window location to show it on the main monitor.


Added support for custom properties on the “Project Information” object

Added support for MEP Fabrication Ductwork.

Power BI

Fixed a bug preventing receiving data from Dynamo and Python.


Fixed a bug that was crashing Excel connector when sending data more than 22.000 rows.


Hi Specke Team,

There is an error when trying to update to Revit conector 2.18

I tried uninstaling previous versiĂłn but the error persist.



Hey @gjordanp ,

Thanks for reporting. We’re trying to solve it right now.

Hey @gjordanp ,

Can you try again? Are you still experiencing the same issue?

I tried and still same result.

Y have just updated speckle manager and also the account for the new frontend.

But I got the same error.

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Hmm, this is interesting. Do you have Revit open? Can you try restarting Manager and your device? I can’t reproduce it.

I dont know what was wrong, now it is working.

In the previous attemt it coundnt download the conector.


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Just saw the announcement of releasing AC connector officially, great job!
And happy to see the mapping in plans.

After the Rhino mapping we’ve already began to work on Revit / Archicad mapping by ourselves, just correcting the schemes with specklepy to make them suitable for Revit. So we’d be happy to share out experience if necessary.

Don’t mind the code, it’s spaghetti for POC/MVP :stuck_out_tongue:


Love it :heart_eyes:! Thanks for sharing your work @Iyur !

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When sending by selection from Revit to speckle: All selected multistory stairs are omitted. This is due to the selection process in revit not gathering the sub-elements individually. If I do the same selection via Dynamo (and have it reselect what it found in Revit) it gathers all the individual pieces and they will publish to speckle correctly.
First image is by selecting in Revit natively.

Second image is by selecting with dynamo (which re-selects in Revit)


A post was merged into an existing topic: Rhino 8 Connector is finally here!