Solid Element Operations in Speckle from Archicad

After exporting the model from Archicad to Speckle, I unfortunately did not notice the information about Solid Element Operations. Can you extract this information from Archicad?

Hey @_Sergii_Holomah !

The Archicad API provides functionality to retrieve the solid element operators for a specific model element. However, we are currently focusing on exporting user-defined properties in our data extraction workflow.

It would be helpful if you could provide more context on how you plan to use the information about solid element operations. If your workflow is beneficial to a wide range of users, we may consider adding support for this use case to our roadmap.

Hey @David_Kekesi
I work in BIM management and review a large number of models from various companies, covering different scales and functional purposes. Fortunately, your integration of Archicad properties has been one of the best solutions since the inception of the Speckle connector. The properties effectively cover a significant portion of the required tasks.

However, there is another level of file analysis in Archicad related to model and file checking. Unfortunately, Archicad itself does not allow the verification of certain aspects that affect its performance. One such parameter is the number of Solid Element Operations (SEO). If the number of these operations in a file is too high, the file’s performance deteriorates significantly.

Therefore, controlling the number of SEO operations in Archicad files becomes critically important.

Hey @_Sergii_Holomah ,

thank you for the update! I understand. I can imagine exporting this information as part of the properties, but first we will discuss the idea internally.

Hey @David_Kekesi
That’s great! I’m glad to hear that. There are a couple of other similar issues that I would really like to be able to check in Speckle, such as the contents of a embedded library. I think I’ve written about this before in other threads, but I’ll duplicate it here just in case. If you can, please add it to your roadmap too