Sloping floor ceiling in Revit - old topic, no solution?

Hello everyone,

This is my first post here, hoping to find a solution. I mainly work with 3D Max, but now also with Revit. As a 3D modeler, I still find Revit terrible for creating models. That’s why I’m now trying to create models in Rhino and import them into Revit.

Now to my question:
Is it possible to create a sloping floor and import it into Revit as a editable floor? Via speckle? (we want to use the floors to create streets that follow a terrain). Or is there a good workaround?

I know the question has been asked before, but not really solved. Not really in Grashopper either…


Hey AnBe

Welcome to the Speckle! Feel free to Introduce Yourself if you feel like it🖖!

Sorry for the late reply!

Speckle only supports flat, editable floors. For sloped ones, Speckle supports only DirectShape (you can map the category) or Freeform. You might also want to consider using the topography element.

Could you please share the reason you prefer to use floors for creating streets? Additionally, could you provide more details about your workflow?

I leave this video here as a reference for the mapping.

Hello Nikos,

many thanks for your response.

I’ve already tried the speckle mapping tool, but it doesn’t help me. The sloping floor slabs is created as a Direct Shape and cannot be further edited in Revit.

But the elements should be editable in Revit…

We use floor slabs as a street because the height at the individual points can be easily adjusted.

A digital terrain model… dwg format… serves as the basis for the roads.

I’ll try to create it (the digital terrain model) as a topography in Revit and place the floor slabs on it with Dynamo… maybe that’ll work, I saw a video about it…

First of all, thank you for your answer
