sending and receiving Revit-Data, without sending a project could be very interesting.
Objective:I have created a small project file with some elements in it. those elements are wallbased and not wallbased.
sending is all fine. looks good, online and in Blender. I can use it for creating animations in Blender.
now is where I am struggling to understand, is that behavior normal or not.
I used to open a new project in Revit and tried to receive the data.
i got a Message asking for missing types and if they should be replaced. or ignored.
I in the next window, I cant see, how many Items and types are not assigned correct by name. this should be a easy challange. highlight the ones, where the “incomming type” and the “AssignedTo” is not the same.
its not clear, how many categories are there, think, it is more easy to get a full list and not sorted by category. I havent seen the posibility to change the selected category for few times.
“Import Types” I have used to import missing types of Revit -Families. it does not appear when searching based on the name. same time I can see in the Revit Projectbrowser, that families are imported in the project.
this list could be reorganised by assigned or not.
after assigning a type, I would like to have a different colour to get more control. or a checkbox for same namings or manual assigend ?
just one another Idea : might be possible to direct the “Add-In” to a folder where families are stored and that tool could pick those missing and request to load?
walls - not a loadable Family, is there a way to load those from a project? maybe little bit more complicated to include that function
I could not cancel the receiving process after I was aware that imported families are not visible for assigning.
next try, the window for assigning again is missing, not appearing again. maybe I would like to replace something different, “Update” should be the way to see the assigning window again.
who was on the colours, but this is really hard to read.
- Speckle link:
This was my very first try and error session. when I go deaper - I think I will have a lot of ideas to add I am in the “Expert Elite Programm” from Autodesk because of my knowledge in Revit and my openess to support community.
I am interested to get deeper exchange about all those things
See you / BG