Running Speckle on Windows Server

Hi, may I ask a bit about this topic?
I am trying to build and run speckle on Window Server, what I’m trying to do is build every project (server, frontend-2,…) and host it on node environment on server.
When I try to build frontend-2 with “yarn build”, I also get the error described in this topic. Is there any way to resolve this error :< ?

hi @P_Agent

Unfortunately we don’t support Windows as a development platform. You will need to either run it under a Unix-like OS, or under WSL if running Windows.


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Hi, thank you for your quick response.
I’m sorry in advance for my little experience in Vue, but as I understand, I can build the project and host it on node environment, similar to React/Nextjs, right? What i’m trying to do here is build the frontend-2 project, but I get build error :<<
May you explain can I do that or not? Thank you.

Hi @P_Agent, we won’t be able to help you here, unless you instal WLS2 and clone the repo in that environment.