Rhino 8 Connector not working

Rhino 8 (SR7) keeps failing to initialise Speckle (2.19.0 and earlier WIP builds) for Rhino, with no real error codes. Speckle for Grasshopper throws this error:

An error occured during GHA assembly loading:
Path: C:\Users\molu\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\Plug-ins\SpeckleRhino2 (8dd5f30b-a13d-4a24-abdc-3e05c8c87143)\SpeckleConnectorGrasshopper.gha
Exception System.TypeLoadException:
Message: Could not load type ‘Speckle.Core.Models.Collection’ from assembly ‘SpeckleCore2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.

Any advice on how to solve this?

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Hey @Morten_Norman_Lund ,

if you open the plugin manager in Rhino:

  • does the speckle plugin appear?
  • what’s the location it’s being loaded from?

Can you also check your DotNetRuntime? You can type in SetDotNetRuntime in the command line and make sure it’s set as Default.

Hi @gokermu

Yes DotNetRuntime is set to default, forgot to mention that.

Its installed using the Speckle Manager app (running it as admin changes nothing)
No it doesn’t appear in the PluginManager at all.
I can find the plugin here: …\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\Plug-ins
If I drag-n-drop the rhp from there I get this error:

Error occurred loading plug-in

  • Details:*
    Could not load type ‘Speckle.Core.Logging.SpeckleLogConfiguration’ from assembly ‘SpeckleCore2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.



  • at SpeckleRhino.SpeckleRhinoConnectorPlugin.OnLoad(String& errorMessage)*
  • at Rhino.PlugIns.PlugIn.InternalOnLoad(Int32 pluginSerialNumber)*

Do you have any other connectors installed?

Revit, Autocad and Dynamo. All 2.19.0 versions.

Are you able to run the connector when you downgrade to an earlier version?