Revit to Rhino - Tutorial vs. Test case

In the Revit to Rhino training. I do see a clear break down of the received information:
Training: Tutorial
@floors, @structural columns, @structural framing, etc.

When I tried to receive the structural framing data from Revit into GH, the deconstruct speckle object provided a completely different format:

Could you please advise how in the tutorial we are getting a clean breakdown of the information? Thank you.

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Hey @atavassoli,

Welcome to Speckle!

Since the tutorial was made, we have updated the Grasshopper UI components for various reasons. You can still find what you are looking for by simply using the Explode Tree component, or use the slider and the tree branch component to fetch a specific category that you want. You can then use the deconstruct speckle component to access the properties and parameters.

Let me know if you have more questions.

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We also changed how the Revit connector works.

We can add the tutorial to the list of documentation we wish to update,