Hi. I am trying to connect to Revit to exchange data (extract, modify and update) but I cannot connect it outside revit environment. And i don’t want to use pyrevit or rhino inside revit to work from inside revit environment because then processing speed becomes slow? how can I connect to Revit from outside to exchange data??
Welcome to Speckle!
Do you have a problem installing the Revit Connector? Is there any error during the installation?
Did you received an error when sending the data from Revit to Speckle?
Or something else?
I am trying to understand where the problem is here. If you receive an error please share a screenshot and describe the steps.
Thank you
Hi Nikos. no I am not getting error in revit connector. i am trying to connect to revit from outside revit environment using C# but i am getting error and not being able to connect it. i saw your revit connector and saw you guys are also working with revit and interacting with it from outside from what it looks like. so i am curious as to how speckle developers were able to connect to it.
Hi @GAURAV_AGRAWAL , this is not possible. The Revit API, and our connector, need to have Revit open to work.
Thanks @teocomi for the reply. Yes when I say outside revit environment, I meant trying to connect it from outside revit using programming but yes revit has to be open with active document and active view. no doubt in that. By inside I meant, there are tools like revit inside rhino and pyrevit which gives you a python based terminal where I can put our code and do whatever I want but we don’t have to worry about revit api because we are working inside revit software so API is already taken care of. This process has many limitations which is why I am not taking that route. I am working outside revit environment and trying to connect him and not able to so wondering how you were able to.
We don’t do that, our connector is running inside the Revit App Domain.
Sorry we’re not being helpful!
@teocomi Oh ok understood. no problem. We are trying to connect revit to individual python based terminal using code in jupyter and vs code but facing issues so wanted to know your experience. thanks for sharing. how were you able to cut down on processing time? because revit is a very big software and takes lot of processing on laptops and if we are working inside it and playing with data, won’t it become slow?