Revit pipes failing to export

Hey Team,

We are using the speckle connector and running into some issues with some pipes not able to be converted. We are using the speckle community server and using the latest version of the Revit plugin (2.18.0). The model is in Revit 2021, but I have upgraded it to 2024 with no luck on either.

The errors in the report say “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.

In the logs it says:

2024-04-04 13:29:27.819 +11:00 [INF] Execution of http request to succeeded with "OK" after 1.5759661999999999 seconds and 0 retries
2024-04-04 13:29:27.819 +11:00 [INF] Execution of graphql request to get StreamData succeeded after 1.5772114 seconds
2024-04-04 13:29:31.399 +11:00 [INF] Pinging
2024-04-04 13:29:31.562 +11:00 [ERR] Converter failed to convert object
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Objects.Converter.Revit.ConverterRevit.PipeToSpeckle(Pipe revitPipe)
   at Objects.Converter.Revit.ConverterRevit.ConvertToSpeckle(Object object)
   at Speckle.ConnectorRevit.UI.ConnectorBindingsRevit.ConvertToSpeckle(Element revitElement, ISpeckleConverter converter)
   at Speckle.ConnectorRevit.UI.ConnectorBindingsRevit.<>c__DisplayClass128_0.<SendStream>b__2()
2024-04-04 13:29:31.816 +11:00 [ERR] SendCommand failed - Zero objects converted successfully. Send stopped.
Speckle.Core.Logging.SpeckleException: Zero objects converted successfully. Send stopped.

The model we are using is sensitive so I can’t share the full thing on the forum but I have extracted the problematic element into a new revit file that I have attached.
FailingPipe.rvt (1.1 MB)

Here is a link to the speckle project for that isolated revit file but keep in mind there is nothing to see as the element won’t export:

Thanks, Kate, looks like an unhandled exception - we’ll fix it.

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Hi Matteo,

Just to follow up on this issue, do you know when this bug fix is expected to be released?

Hi @kate,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We’ve added it to our development backlog and will do our best to address it as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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Hi Folks, just an update on this. We debugged this issue locally and found the source of this issue.
We have put sent through a fix on the Speckle Github. Attached is the Issue and Pull Request.

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