I have this site file with links loaded in, that are not copies of the same link instance, but save-as versions. I cannot get the additional models to appear once I send it to Speckle. I know that the Speckle team is working on link-copy visibility in future releases, but why am I not able to see a wholly different file that is a save-as copy?
I think this will be probably what we need to investigate and make things work properly - let us know if you’re willing to share; if so the team will share a private to you folder where you can upload it and its links.
Other things we’d want to know is connector version & revit version.
While we do that, what are you up to with Speckle? Curious as knowing more really does help in determining what to focus on. Are you after simply visualising your revit model in the web? or something more?
Edit: I’ve identified the most likely culprit: the object’s uniqueid is not unique unfortunately under a save as doc - in short they are the same.
I am unsure how to proceed to resolve this, but will keep updating this thread.
I am using Speckle to visualize the data within Power BI and creating a dashboard for the developer to see the project evolve while seeing all the parameters and data we manipulate throughout the project.
I believe both the ElementId and IFCGuid are derived from the UniqueId, which is supposed to be unique, so no quick fixes - we have in our backlog a task to support multiple identical linked models, and that should solve this too.