Revit - Errors importing a Floor

Hi, I just updated the revit connector and now I seem to have issues importing Floors in Revit. These were sent from Grasshopper and 2 weeks ago, the same geometry was working without issues.

Now every floor has this error in Revit:

Can anyone advise what this might relate to?

A downgrade of the connectors from 2.13 to version 2.12.2 helped us for now. Grasshopper stays with 2.13, and Revit runs for now with 2.12.2. I don’t know if the mix is good, but it seems to work. Might be a slight kink on the Revit side for version 2.13 which needs to be ironed out.

@mtam @AlexHofbeck thanks for the report, we have found the bug and will release a 2.13.1 hotfix shortly!

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Hotfix 2.13.1 is out; please let us know if you spot any other issues :pray: