Revit confligSystem.TypeLoadException with Speckle 2 for Revit - Possible Add-In Conflict


I am experiencing a problem with the Speckle 2 for Revit add-in, which fails to load in Revit and throws a System.TypeLoadException error. Here are the details of the issue:

  • Revit Version: 2022 and 2023 atleast
  • Speckle Connector Version:
  • Error Details:
    • The error states: Could not load type 'Speckle.Core.Helpers.Open' from assembly 'SpeckleCore2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
    • This suggests that there might be an incompatibility with another add-in I have installed, but I am not sure which one.

I suspect that another add-in could be causing this conflict. Can someone provide guidance on resolving this error? If needed, I can provide additional system details or logs.

Thank you for your assistance!

Hi @JaakkoRamboll, and welcome to the forum! We’d be happy to help, but ideally we’d look at things vs the latest release which is 2.20.3 (vs. your current one of 2.17 - by our standards, you’re three major releases behind).

Would you be able to upgrade to that and give it another go?

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Okey updated to latest versions. Speckle connector and In my project I am also using latest version library 2.20.3.


I’m facing an issue with System.MissingMethodException in my project due to conflicting versions of HarfBuzzSharp. My setup is as follows:

  • Project Libraries:
    • LiveChartsCore: Uses SkiaSharp, which depends on HarfBuzzSharp version 7.3.0.
    • Speckle UI (via Avalonia): Appears to reference HarfBuzzSharp.Buffer.GetGlyphInfoSpan() which may be from a different or incompatible version of HarfBuzzSharp.
  • Error Details:
    • Exception: System.MissingMethodException
    • Message: Method not found: 'System.ReadOnlySpan<HarfBuzzSharp.GlyphInfo> HarfBuzzSharp.Buffer.GetGlyphInfoSpan()'

Speckle is using HarfBuzzSharp fileversion
LiveCharts is using fileversion