Replace AutoCAD Blocks By Revit families with Dynamo

Hello to all,

I need help, I recovered DWG blocks and I transferred them in Revit family by following this tutorial: Mapping AutoCAD Blocks to Revit families with Dynamo.

Indeed, the tuto does not work any more from the second stage to recover the angles and the system of coordinates.

I need to know how I can recover the Euler angle to keep the rotation of the blocks on the different axes, using dynamo.

Thanks you.

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Hi @Laouedj_Asma ,

Yes, because now it’s much easier to get insertion planes from blocks in Speckle. Now, blocks received in Dynamo has three additional keys:

  • transformedGeometry
  • insertionPoint
  • insertionPlane

You can get the insertion planes of blocks via “insertionPlane” key, then use those planes to place families in corresponding location. I think Family instance.ByCoordinateSystem does the job.

We will update that tutorial after Christmas. Our team is on leave currently so we might not answer at our usual pace.

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