Register and Login error when speckle is run in docker

I am running speckle locally from docker compose. All the services are running without any error.
But when I login with the admin userId and Password mentioned in the docker file, I get error. “Failed to fetch”
When tried to register or forgot password, I get same error.

entry.DMzWazSt.js:9037 WebSocket connection to ‘ws://’ failed:

t.connect @ entry.DMzWazSt.js:9037
(anonymous) @ entry.DMzWazSt.js:9037

Hi @SrinivasJadhav

This error is often encountered when the CANONICAL_URL, NUXT_PUBLIC_API_ORIGIN, or NUXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL values are misconfigured in your Docker compose file.

You may wish to search our forum here at for similar threads which may help you find an answer, as this issue has been encountered by others before.



CANONICAL_URL, NUXT_PUBLIC_API_ORIGIN and NUXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL configuration are identical still same error.

I am unable to attach the docker compose file. Please suggest so that I can send you my docker file.