I’ve been using Rhino to model a canopy structure we’re designing, which I then import into Revit via Speckle. I’ve applied RAL colors to the model in Rhino, but when I bring the model into Revit using Speckle, the RAL colors don’t appear.
Even when I change the model view in Revit to “Rendered View,” the materials or colors still don’t show up. Is there a way to ensure that the RAL colors applied in Rhino are carried over and displayed properly in Revit?
Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I don’t know much about RAL colors. Can you share a file that contains a sample element that has RAL colors applied. If it’s something we can add quickly, we will.
Mucahit. The RAL colours are Materials in REVIT, with specific colour values (RGB). The settings in the RAL Colours and any materials need the Shaded colour parameter, a Checkbox, to be selected to present the material colour, in a shaded equivalent, which should remove this issue. It has been evident in other apps but I know this is what appens in Revit. Someone with Rhino can confirm the equivalent setting there.
Sorry for the late reply. RAL colors are mainly applied to the elements so that when they are rendered, they produce realistic elements. In my case, I haven’t been getting the required result when the Rhino model is imported to Revit. When I view it in realistic view, it doesn’t seem to show RAL colors or seem realistic.
I’ve assigned RAL colors to both the layer and material settings in Rhino. However, it seems that when imported into Revit via Speckle, the RAL colors don’t fully carry over. I’m not sure if this is an issue with how materials are handled in Speckle.
Since I’m not using Rhino, the materials used there must be doing som e strange things. I hope the boffins at speckle have some insight there. Good luck
Oh i get it now. Yes, this is a known limitation of our Revit connector. Colors from Rhino are set as the shading color of the materials, not the actual colors. Thanks for raising this to our attention. I’ll add it to our backlog for our next-gen Revit connector. That’s the new version of Revit connector we are actively working on and soon, it will replace the current connector.